Thu, Dec 09
Days (feat. Romy Madley-Croft)
Brooklyn duo CREEP are set to release their debut single, Days, on Tuesday, January 25 2010 through Young Turks. Featuring guest vocals by The xx’s Romy Madley-Croft, “Days” is a ghostly blend of Romy’s ethereal voice and CREEP’s sinister beats, blending tones of goth, shoegaze and R&B to create darkly prophetic and orchestral soundscapes.
Thu, Dec 09
I Locked The Door
You know those records that are so good you send them to every friend you have, just so there's another person to get excited with? Cue Merchandise, the Tampa duo responsible for "I Locked The Door" and whose current status underground has no chance of lasting. (Strange Songs) In The Dark, the seven-song LP, is the band's latest effort in a catalogue that includes two tapes and a self-titled CD-R with a slightly different yet equally rewarding polish (read: live drums). (Strange Songs) sees Merchandise mastering its formula; a true display of pop finery and a shoegaze and Drag City-informed restoration of faith that great music is still to be made.
Thu, Dec 02
Yo David Chase, You POV Shot Me In The Head (feat. Diplo)
Short and not-so-sweet "Yo David Chase, You P.O.V. Shot Me In The Head"—The Death Set's collab with Diplo and XXXChange—might be a little bit dated, lyrically. Is this possibly a jab at the mysterious series finale of The Sopranos? If you weren't into the show, there's enough sonic satisfaction to behold, as these are all perfectionists of bombast, that non-James Gandolfini champions can get down with.